1.- Identificative information
1.1.- With the aim of comply with the established in the Law 34/2002, of the 11th July, about the Services of the Information Societies and Electronic Commerce, we facilitate the following information:
Entity and social denomination: Aertec Solutions S.L.
Social Address: Avenida Juan López de Peñalver, 17, Parque Tecnológico de Andalucía, 29590 Málaga (Spain).
Tel: +34 952 020 248
Fax: +34 952 020 174
Email: info@aertecsolutions.com
Registration information: Registered in Málaga Merchantile Registry Office, Tomo 2060, Book 973, Sheet 189, Section 8, Sheet MA – 30272, 1st Inscription.
VAT number: B-29869856
1.2. Aertec Solutions S.L. activity brand stands for AERTEC Solutions.
1.3. In the same way, the domain name and titularity of Aertec Solutions S.L. is aertecsolutions.com
2.1. The present document contains the general conditions which regulate the access, navigation and use of websites under aertecsolutions.com domain (from now onwards, “website”), as well as the responsibilities derivated from the usage of their contents. Should be understood the term “concept” as the texts,graphics, inphographies, pictures, software, music, audios, videos or any other creative expression.
2.2. AERTEC Solutions will have the right to establish particular conditions which may control the access, usage and/or subscription to specific contents offered to users through the website.
2.3. It should be understood that the access or usage of the website by the user means his/her commitment with the general conditions that AERTEC Solutions will have published at each access time to the website. These general conditions will be accessible for all users.
3.1.- AERTEC Solutions, as website owner and author of its contents, owns the industrial and intellectual property rights of the website, as well as of the industrial, image and intellectual property rights available contents through this website.
4.1.- The access to the website is totally free for any kind of user.
4.2.- When needed the login of an end user or the provision of his/her personal information for accessing to any of the services, the collection and management of this user personal information will be done based on the procedures and regulations mentioned in the Data Protection document, included in the website.
5.1. Contents included in the website are only facilitated to end users. It is not authorized any commercial use of them.
5.2. Access, navigation and use of the website are under the user responsibility. Therefore, he/she commits to observe dilligently and reliably any additional instruction forwarded by AERTEC Solutions related to the usage of the website and its contents.
5.3. Particularly, users may avoid using the website contents with opposite aims or effects to the Law and order, ethics and good practics generally accepted.
5.4. It is permitted to referentiate and to use the website contents of AERTEC Solutions always when associating it to its origin and including a direct link to the website.
Privacy politics of www.aertecsolutions.com is set with complete detail within the document “Data Protection Politics”.
Available in the following link: http://www.aertecsolutions.com/politica-de-privacidad
7.1. “Cookies” is defined as the small text files stored in the user’s PC when visiting websites. They have a great utility for increasing the efficiency of these websites. For example, if an user selects his/her preferred language in the home page, the website will remember this preference and the user will keep navigating in the website under the language selected.
7.2. Cookies can be “original” or “third-party”. Original cookies are created by the data management responsible, who operates the website, in our case, AERTEC Solutions. Third-party cookies are generated by data management responsibles who do not operate the website and are not related to AERTEC Solutions. As an example, a third-party cookie would be the option “share in Twitter”, which provides an action generated by Twitter (share).
7.3. AERTEC Solutions website uses the following cookies:
7.3.1. Session cookies (original): Their purpose is to identify the end users. It is needed to avoid requesting the user credentials in each webpage and therefore be able to use the user preferences. This cookie expires when shutting down the session. However, the user can select to be remind when logging in. In this case, the cookie expires within one month.
7.3.2. Flash cookies (original): Their aim is to store technical needed data for displaying audio and video contents, such as image resolution, network connection speed and temporary storage parameters. They expire when shutting down the session.
7.3.3. Analytics (third-party): They allow measuring traffic data and user profiles data. Generally, they expire within one month, but their duration is controlled by Google.
7.3.4. Clicky (third-party): They allow measuring traffic data and user profiles data. Generally, they expire within one month, but their duration is controlled by Clicky.
7.4. AERTEC Solutions understand that by navigating through the website, the user has been informed and accepts the installation of the previous cookies in his/her laptop.
7.5. User has the option and possibility to customize the use of cookies, as well as the recopilation of them, by modifying his/her browser options.
7.6. In case of full block of the cookies, the correct content visualization of the website can be prevented. In this case, AERTEC Solutions declines any responsibility.
8.1. AERTEC Solutions declares that has applied all needed actions under its possibilities and the technology status, in order to ensure the website workability and avoid the existance and transmission to users of virus and other harming components.
8.2. Eventhough AERTEC Solutions will be counting with all its available resources, the company cannot guarantee: a) the continuity in the website operation; b) The absence of errors in the website contents; c) The absence of virus, malware and any other harming components; d) The website invulnerability; e) The inexpugnability within the security actions applied; f) The lack of utility in the website contents.
8.3. In case of detecting any lack of warranty in the website, AERTEC Solutions commits to correct it within the less time possible.
9.1. AERTEC Solutions may be able to modify the terms and conditions stated herewith, either total or partially, publishing any change in the same way this Legal Advisory appears and the particular conditions of each specific service.
9.2. The duration of this Legal Advisory matches therefore with its exposition time, until any modification takes place. At this moment, the Legal Advisory modified will start its duration.
10.1. AERTEC Solutions will be able to finalize, suspend or interrumpt, at anytime and without preadvising necessity, the access to the website contents, without possibility from the end user to request any compensation.
10.2. In case of discrepancy between the statements of this Legal Advisory and the particular conditions of any specific service, it will remain valid the mentioned in these last ones.
10.3. In case that any disposition or dispositions of this Legal Advisory were considered null or unapplicable, either partially or totally by any court, comitee or competent administrative organism, this nullity or unapplication will not affect to the rest of the dispositions of this Legal Advisory.
11.1. The relationships established between AERTEC Solutions and the user will be guided by the existing regulation related to the laws applicable to the competent province. However, for the cases in which the regulation may anticipate the possibility of start a trial between all parties, AERTEC Solutions and the user, with express renounce to any other who may be corresponding them, will be subjecting any controversy and/or lawsuit to the knowledge of the courts and tribunals of Málaga city.